„Inspiring Thoughts – The keys to Yourself” Tome 6 – paper version


Example thoughts:

You say: “Better known, but poisoned air of the old way of life than fresh air of the new.” As a child you wouldn’t say that – you would have chosen an easier direction and not a known one.

All records are broken by those who do not look at those who do not break them.

When you classify difficult matters as things that will enrich you, not crush you, then you will understand that life is about learning and doesn’t lurk after your health with the intention of killing you.

You’re lucky! The police do not record in their files any of your attacks on yourself.



These keys are used to:

  • awaken,
  • explain,
  • guide,
  • suggest,

ideas or hints for those reading them. They contain knowledge. They have the strength to open your, so far sealed, gates of understanding, which is enough to move you. What has been inaccessible to you for years, after reading them, will revive automatically. They will start a series of events in your life. Now, unlike the previous times, you will consciously welcome these experiences without fear. Answers always come, but only when you ask questions. Without asking about the purpose and essence of life, you are simply carried by its strong current.

Solutions are constructive, because you are finally expect them from yourself, not others. In total, in these seven volumes, there are over 560 Thought-Keys. They mostly appear when I write in the morning. Some, but a definite minority, were created during the day. Un – fortunately, the racket of earthly events and commitment to daily activities disrupt possible insights. When I’m writing, I’m in the middle of the hints given. It is colloquially thought and said that they flow from the author’s head, but I say that they are much more than just my own ideas. If at least one Inspirational Thought helps you, my dear reader or priceless seeker, I know that I will still have the strength to get up before dawn to write even more. I wish everyone to find what they are looking for in them.
